Best friends Jess and Lily visit Friendship Forest, where animals can talk and magic exists! There’s a wild wind blowing in Friendship Forest, as Grizelda’s storm dragon takes over the magical windmill that controls the forest’s breezes! Lily...
In the future, computers rule the world. Net Force was formed to protect us from any and all criminal activity on-line. But there is a group of teenage whiz kids who sometimes know more about computers than their adult superiors. They are the Net...
To save a prominent scientist and his son from a corrupt government's agents, the Net Force Explorers embark on a terrifying virtual hunt for their enemies — before it's too...
To save humanity, they must give up their own.
Adam’s muscular dystrophy has stolen his mobility, his friends, and in a few short years, it will take his life. Virtual reality games are Adam’s only escape from his wheelchair. In his...
Do you have the courage, the wits, and the skill to claim a dragon's hoard? If so, apply within ...The sign is small, tucked into the corner of Mr. Clutter's bookshop window: "Adventurers Wanted. Apply Within." No one but fifteen-year-old...
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a popular 1876 novel about a young boy growing up in the antebellum South. The story is set in the town of "St Petersburg", inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Mark Twain grew...
Gordon Korman’s adventurous DIVE trilogy comes to an action-packed conclusion with THE DANGER.
The kids have found sunken treasure. The adults want to keep it for themselves. But there’s a chance that both will lose it if they don’t act...
In the future, computers rule the world. The Net Force was formed to protect America from any and all criminal activity on-line. But there is a group of teenage whiz kids who sometines know more about computers than their adult superiors. They...