The trailsman meets a murderous monster...
In the marshy wilderness of Louisiana’s Atchafalaya Swamp, people are being killed by a monster that strikes without mercy, leaving behind little more than mangled flesh, blood, and bones.
In the frozen Beartooth Mountains, Fargo is rescued by a kindly wilderness woman named Mary Harper and her children. But when the brutal Cudgel Stein and his gang decide they want what the Harpers have, the Trailsman is going...
The Vallerio Forest. Millions of acres of undeveloped land, cut off from the outside world by giant fences, armed guards, and government edicts. It’s widely considered an ecological paradise. But beneath its majestic canopy lies a dark underbelly...
“Journalist Orth delivers a jaunty description of his travels… [that] armchair travelers will enjoy.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Funny, insightful, and mind-bendingly entertaining. Stephan Orth is a fearless and fabulous tour guide to...
The year is 1813. Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater succeeds Lord Dungarth as head of the Royal Navy's Secret Department. While the Grand Army of Napoleon faces defeat on the battlefields of Germany, the discovery of a secret treaty with America leads...
On Three Wheels from Moscow to Paris Chasing Napoleon’s Epic Fail
Lire Magazine Best Travel Book
Take four friends, put them on two Ural motorcycles (complete with sidecars), send them off on a 2,500-mile odyssey retracing history’s most...
The invasion of Britain by the Roman legionaries is the setting for this story. Beric, a boy-chief of a British tribe, takes a prominent part in the insurrection against Rome under Boadicea. These efforts are useless against the might Roman army....