In the Spur Award-winning title story, a Pinkerton detective, a couple on the run, a wanted man, and a traveling salesman with mysterious wares all converge on the banks of Crucifixion River to take shelter from an impending...
By the same author as "The Seventh Sanctuary", this thriller reveals an international plot by an extreme right-wing Christian group, whose origins go back to the Crucifixion of Christ, to re-establish the ancient order. Assassinating the pope is...
The second enthralling installment in Alex Rutherford's Empire of the Moghul series.
1530, Agra, Northern India. Humayun, the newly-crowned second Moghul Emperor, is a fortunate man. His father, Babur, has bequeathed him wealth, glory and an empire...
The Roman Empire's conquest of Britannia is under threat from within. A messenger on the streets of Rome has been intercepted and tortured, revealing a plot to sabotage the Roman army's campaign against Caratacus, commander of Britannia's native...
1782 — Kaum wieder in der Heimat, wird Richard Bolitho mit seinem neuen Kommando, der Fregatte PHALAROPE, zurück nach Westindien beordert, um das karibische Geschwader zu verstärken. Doch die PHALAROPE ist ein Unglücksschiff, die...
Sailing across the Caribbean, Hector Lynch falls into the hands of the notorious buccaneer, Captain John Coxon. Hector’s two friends, Dan and Jacques, are released when Coxon mistakes Hector as the nephew of Sir Thomas Lynch—the Governor of...
In Buffalo Palace, the young Titus Bass sights, and then sets out into, the vast Rocky Mountain country, where he has his initial experiences with trapping beaver, surviving the freezing winter, fighting fierce Indians and even fiercer fellow...
En 1818, l 'auteur de ce livre avait seize ans et il paria qu'il ?crirait un volume en quinze jours. Il fit Bug-Jargal. C'est un roman d'aventures d?crivant les p?rip?ties de L?opold d'Auvernay, jeune officier de l'arm?e...
En 1818, l 'auteur de ce livre avait seize ans et il paria qu'il écrirait un volume en quinze jours. Il fit Bug-Jargal. C'est un roman d'aventures décrivant les péripéties de Léopold d'Auvernay, jeune officier de...
A prehistoric corpse entombed within an Arctic glacier, crying tears of blood.
A jungle island overrun by rabid primates – escapees from a research laboratory’s Hot Zone.
A massive seaplane hidden beneath a mountain, packed with a Nazi...