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Bravest Of The Brave, or, With Peterborough in Spain
Детские приключения, Исторические приключения

Bravest Of The Brave, or, With Peterborough in Spain

Язык: английский
Год: 1887
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Henty again turned his attention to the war fought in Queen Anne’s reign. The little known but remarkable and eccentric Charles Mordaunt, earl of Peterborough, served the Crown as admiral and general, diplomat and ambassador. He led English...
Breakheart Pass
Вестерны, Триллер

Breakheart Pass

Язык: английский
Год: 1974
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A train is barreling through a blizzard across the desolate Nevada territory of hostile Paiute Indians toward Fort Humboldt in 1873. Nevada's Governor, the fort commander's daughter, and a US marshal escorting an outlaw are onboard. No one is...
Broadway Bounty

Broadway Bounty

Автор: Randisi Robert J.
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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In the Spur Award-winning title story, a Pinkerton detective, a couple on the run, a wanted man, and a traveling salesman with mysterious wares all converge on the banks of Crucifixion River to take shelter from an impending...