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Brothers in Blood
Исторические приключения

Brothers in Blood

Автор: Scarrow Simon
Серия: Cato #13
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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The Roman Empire's conquest of Britannia is under threat from within. A messenger on the streets of Rome has been intercepted and tortured, revealing a plot to sabotage the Roman army's campaign against Caratacus, commander of Britannia's native...
Bruderkampf: Richard Bolitho, Kapitän in Ketten
Морские приключения

Bruderkampf: Richard Bolitho, Kapitän in Ketten

Язык: немецкий
Год: 1978
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1782 — Kaum wieder in der Heimat, wird Richard Bolitho mit seinem neuen Kommando, der Fregatte PHALAROPE, zurück nach Westindien beordert, um das karibische Geschwader zu verstärken. Doch die PHALAROPE ist ein Unglücksschiff, die...
Buffalo Palace

Buffalo Palace

Автор: Johnston Terry C.
Серия: Titus Bass #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1996
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In Buffalo Palace, the young Titus Bass sights, and then sets out into, the vast Rocky Mountain country, where he has his initial experiences with trapping beaver, surviving the freezing winter, fighting fierce Indians and even fiercer fellow...
Butler's Wager

Butler's Wager

Автор: Randisi Robert J.
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
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Ty Butler came from Eastern wealth—but killers destroyed everyone who shared his name. Seeking a safe haven in the open West, he's found a home among the outlaws, tinhorns, and fugitives who gather at the gaming table. His skill at reading faces...