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The Young Carthaginian, A Story of the Time of Hannibal
Детские приключения, Исторические приключения

The Young Carthaginian, A Story of the Time of Hannibal

Язык: английский
Год: 1887
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The Young Carthaginian is a departure from the first two Henty books on the Lost Classics list. Set in ancient times during the Punic wars between Carthage and Rome, it follows the adventures of young Malchus, an officer in Hannibal's army. Henty...
Under false colours
Исторические приключения, Морские приключения

Under false colours

Серия: nathaniel drinkwater #10
Язык: английский
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In 1809, working undercover for the Admiralty's Secret Department, Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater goes ashore and mingles with the dregs of London's dockland. Disguised as a Merchant Marine shipmaster of low character, he encounters a known French...