In the wake of a humbling incident aboard a canal boat in the Cotswolds, young Captain Horatio Hornblower arrives in London to take command of the Atropos, a 22-gun sloop barely large enough to require a captain. Her first assignment under...
Trust was rare and precious in the wide-open towns that sprung up like weeds on America's frontier—with hustlers and hucksters arriving in droves by horse, coach, wagon, and rail, and gunmen working both sides of the law, all too eager to end a...
1796 - sea battles raging and an attack from the French has left third-lieutenant Ramage the sole officer in charge of his frigate. With orders from Nelson to be obeyed and a daring mission to be completed, young Nicholas Ramage must rise to the...
Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are intrigued when an archaeologist friend requests their help excavating a top secret historical site. What they find will set them on a hunt for a prize greater than they could ever imagine. The clues...
By the spring of 1777, the American defenses of the Hudson River north of New York City included a chain laid across the river near Fort Montgomery. The chain was critical to the American defenses, since it would slow any invasion force. Jake Gibbs...
Lord Ramage has made his name through numerous brave, daring and extremely perilous sea battles. He has been charged with impossible tasks and has succeeded time after time gaining honour and glory for king and country. He has undertaken his...
Dr. Eva Rojas: On a beach near Alexandria two men brutally attacked her. Saved by Dirk Pitt, she realized that she had stumbled upon a terrible secret…
Yves Massarde: Known as the Scorpion, he made clandestine deals to get rid of other...
In the heart of Panama, a volcanic lake feeds a serpentine river—its stone banks laid by the Inca, who took back the gold and jewels plundered from them by the conquistadors. Legend has it that the Twice-Stolen Treasure has been buried for...
Aboard the Vociferous Carmichael, puppeteer John Chandagnac is sailing toward Jamaica to claim his stolen birthright from an unscrupulous uncle, when the vessel is captured . . . by pirates! Offered a choice by Captain Phil Davies to join their...