The bestselling author of Ilium and Olympos transforms the true story of a legendary Arctic expedition into a thriller worthy of Stephen King or Patrick O’Brian. Their captain’s insane vision of a Northwest Passage has kept the crewmen of The...
Ronald Leslie, the son of a French heiress and a Scottish officer in the service of the French, is rescued as a baby from the hands of his parents' enemies and taken to safety in Scotland. While still a youth he determines to search in France for...
Released for the first time in trade paperback, this is the classic tale of four men caught in a primitive and violent test of manhood.
The setting is the Georgia wilderness, where the states most remote white-water river awaits. In the...
An illusive Chinese mastermind and his henchman have already killed one socialite and they hold a mysterious sway over many of London's elite. What is the secret of their power? Follow the trail with Sax Rohmer's famous detectives Gaston Max and...
So Melville wrote of his masterpiece, one of the greatest works of imaginations in literary history. In part, Moby-Dick is the story of an eerily compelling madman pursuing an unholy war against a creature as vast and dangerous and unknowable as...
Sailing across the Caribbean, Hector Lynch falls into the hands of the notorious buccaneer, Captain John Coxon. Hector’s two friends, Dan and Jacques, are released when Coxon mistakes Hector as the nephew of Sir Thomas Lynch—the Governor of...