New York Times bestselling author Thomas Greanias follows up his extraordinary The Chiron Confession with his page-turning, globe-spanning Wrath of Rome about love, betrayal and vengeance. Against all odds, Athanasius has escaped death in...
Yellowkit is a ShadowClan cat through and through and she can't wait to become a fearless warrior. Then Yellowkit trains as an apprentice and finally receives her warrior name, Yellowfang--and much to her surprise, she realizes that her paws weren't...
OUNG BLOODS is the first gripping novel in Simon Scarrow's bestselling Wellington and Napoleon quartet. Perfect for fans of Robert Harris.Arthur Wesley (the future Duke of Wellington) was born and bred to be a leader. With a firm belief that the...
It is called zero point energy, and it really exists — a state of energy contained in all matter everywhere, and thus all but unlimited. Nobody has ever found a way to tap into it, however — until one scientist discovers a way.
Or at least...
The clock is ticking for Hong Kong. On July 1, 1997, the British Crown Colony will be handed over to the People's Republic of China. But hopes for a peaceful transition are shattered when a series of terrorist acts threatens the fragile...