Richard and Robin Mariner are in Long Beach, California, to oversee the arrival of their container ship, Sulu Queen, before joining their friend Nic Greenbaum aboard his fifty-million-dollar motor yacht as he races his daughter Liberty in an...
The season six finale, Tangent Fire, was a bridge novel that is now taking up to the final season of the series, the war in 2025. Only this is the future that arose from Kirov’s many interventions in the past, a future the main characters must...
The year 1807 starts out badly for Captain Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy. His frigate HMS Reliant has a new captain, he’s living at his father’s estate at Anglesgreen, among spiteful neighbors and family, and he’s recovering from a wound suffered in...
Gold is the pay dirt in all these rip-roaring western stories, more of Erle Stanley Gardner’s Whispering Sands series with their unique desert setting. Again the master storyteller features his rugged western hero, the philosophical prospector Bob...
They were called the Gang of Ten. Masked night riders that rustled cattle and imposed vigilante justice on any who stood in their way. They were powerful, above the law.
But then they lynched the son of a Blackfoot medicine man who threatened to...
With a divided StarClan driving a treacherous rift between the four warrior Clans, the spirits of the Dark Forest are gaining strength. Ivypool's role as a spy becomes more dangerous with each passing day, and Dovewing is haunted by nightmares about...