1782 First officer on brig o'war . . . Fresh from duty on the frigate Desperate in her fight with the French Capricieuse off St. Kitts, Midshipman Alan Lewrie passes his examination board for Lieutenancy and finds himself commissioned first...
An international thriller in the classic tradition by the author of "The Seventh Sanctuary", this story follows the trail of murder and mystery initiated by the kidnapping of a young man. His father's search leads him to Mongolia and an encounter...
Though a first-person story, The Rascally Romance, nonetheless, is not a swaggering report on Me, Myself and The Number One. No, I’m not up for narcistic self-portraits. What? This mean and stupid rascal me? Alas, but not, ‘tis gone, ‘tis...
Now a major motion picture from Universal Studios, starring "The Rock!" Across the deserts of the Middle East, the warlord Memnon expands his reign. With his sorcerer foretelling the outcome of every battle, his army marches undefeated,...