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Автор: Conroy Robert
Язык: английский
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“The yarn is likely to please both military history and alternate history buffs… The writing… keeps us turning the pages.” – Booklist“An intriguing blend of historical fact and fiction.” – Detroit Free Press“A solid what-if...
1919 [HL]
Альтернативная история

1919 [HL]

Язык: русский
Год: 2012
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Великая Война навсегда изменила историю. Она породила XX век — эпоху невиданного взлета и сокрушительных падений, время грандиозных...
1919 [СИ]
Альтернативная история

1919 [СИ]

Язык: русский
Год: 2012
полная версия

Великая Война навсегда изменила историю. Она породила XX век — эпоху невиданного взлета и сокрушительных падений, время грандиозных...
Альтернативная история


Автор: Conroy Robert
Язык: английский
полная версия

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor is widely regarded as a major defeat for the U.S. Navy. However, if Japanese Admiral Nagumo had only followed his orders, the results would have been catastrophic. Nagumo was supposed to launch a final attack, but...
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Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor is widely regarded as a major defeat for the U.S. Navy. However, if Japanese Admiral Nagumo had only followed his orders, the results would have been catastrophic. Nagumo was supposed to launch a final attack, but...
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Серия: Kirov #36
Год: 2018
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Vladimir Karpov takes his private war to the Marianas, and meets Admiral Kita’s Task Force head on as the mighty Kirov once again joins the action in the Pacific. The Allied Generals meet to decide their strategy, and the fate of Operation...