A severed head and a cry of “Witchcraft!” start a frenzied witch hunt in a sleepy German village. When Konrad von Marburg, a Church inquisitor, arrives on the scene, innocent and guilty alike find themselves subject to the inquisitor’s violent...
The third in the ‘Red Gambit’ series, Stalemate deals with the events of the Third World War, up to 25th October 1945. Relating the experiences from both sides of the divide, and from all levels. ‘Stalemate’ deals with the man in the trench,...
Tarl Cabot, Norman's heroic Gorean Tarnsman, descends into the depths of Port Kar-the darkest, most degenerate port city of the Counter-Earth. There, among pirates, cutthroats and brigands, Cabot learns the ways of Kar, whose residence are...
‘California Dreaming’ is Book 2 of the alternative history series Timeline 10/27/62 — USA.
It is November 1963 — thirteen months after the Cuban Missiles Crisis went horribly wrong. In this timeline the swinging sixties are not going to...
EDITORIAL REVIEW: In a universe in which Constantinople never fell, the Byzantine Empire has flourished by developing technology and spreading its influence but finds itself at the mercy of its jealous...
Wartime England: June, 1940. Edward VIII still reigns and mourns the suspicious death of his mistress, Wallis Simpson six years earlier. France has fallen, leaving the bulk of the British Expeditionary Force trapped on the beaches by Rommel’s...
When Petunia, the youngest of King Gregor's twelve dancing daughters, is invited to visit an elderly friend in the neighboring country of Westfalin, she welcomes the change of scenery. But in order to reach Westfalin, Petunia must pass through a...
The second novel in a thrilling alternate-history series-from national bestselling author Stephen Baxter. Three centuries have passed since Rome fell, as The Prophecy foretold. Now The Prophecy's scroll is in the hands of a young girl, the last...