The second book in the Red Gambit Series. Starting on the 13th August 1945, ‘Breakthrough’ follows the soldiers, sailors, and airmen of both sides in the struggle for supremacy in Europe. From Irish waters to the freezing Barents Sea, a hotel in...
The third in the ‘Red Gambit’ series, Stalemate deals with the events of the Third World War, up to 25th October 1945. Relating the experiences from both sides of the divide, and from all levels. ‘Stalemate’ deals with the man in the trench,...
It is the 1st November 1945 and, once again, the soil of Europe is being soaked in blood and tears.
Soviet armies have crossed the Rhine and now occupy the larger part of Germany.
The Red Army has experienced its first major...
Imagine being there before the Titanic set sail.
Now imagine being there before she’s even built.
Sam Altair is a physicist living in Belfast, Ireland. He has spent his career researching time travel and now, in early 2006,...
What if Huey Long had been President in 1939? No Marshall Aid to Britain, no American involvement in the war ravaging Europe. Another chillingly credible ‘what-if’ thriller from the master of the genre.
For years UN peacekeepers have...
Alaska Republik - When Lieutenant Gerald Yamato of the Republic of California Air Force bailed out of his doomed fighter he had no idea he would land in a culture that would forever change his life.
The Dená thought...