A new ice age threatens Earth. Facing extinction, the dinosaurs must employ their mastery of biology to swiftly reconquer human territory. Desperately, Kerrick launches an arduous quest to rally a final defense for humankind. With his beloved...
Lucy Derrick is a young woman of good breeding and poor finances. After the death of her beloved father, she is forced to maintain a shabby dignity as the unwanted boarder of her tyrannical uncle, fending off marriage to a local mill owner. But...
seduced by power,
broken by control,
and consumed by love...
Vi has made her choice between Jag and Zenn, and the Resistance may have suffered for it. But with the Thinkers as strong as ever, the rebels still have a...
It is January of 1965 and without warning the North Vietnamese launch their Tet Offensive against the South, routing the American supported army and rolling over territory without a fight. In a matter of days it appears as if the Communists are...
The third instalment in Jon Courtenay Grimwood's critically acclaimed series of Ashraf Bey mysteries Detective. Diplomat. Uncle. Killer. Ashraf Bey has been many things since arriving in El Iskandryia from Seattle. One thing he...
Fata Morgana—the epic novel of love and duty at war across the reach of time.
At the height of the air war in Europe, Captain Joe Farley and the baseball-loving, wisecracking crew of the B-17 Flying Fortress Fata Morgana are in the middle of a...
The Anibus Gate is the classic time travel novel that took the fantasy world by storm two decades ago. Only the dazzling imagination of Tim Powers could have created such as...
A heavily armed NATO riverine force led by the Major Revells’ Special Combat Force uses the Elbe to try and relieve the Warsaw Pact siege of Hamburg. Only partially successful the NATO troops must survive in the...