A new ice age threatens Earth. Facing extinction, the dinosaurs must employ their mastery of biology to swiftly reconquer human territory. Desperately, Kerrick launches an arduous quest to rally a final defense for humankind. With his beloved...
The crew of Takami returns to the South Pacific to meet with Yamamoto, and now they must undertake a new operation. A daring raid into the Indian Ocean is planned, as the Japanese aim to capture the last British outposts on Ceylon.
Lost in time,...
A new ice age threatens Earth. Facing extinction, the dinosaurs must employ their mastery of biology to swiftly reconquer human territory. Desperately, Kerrick launches an arduous quest to rally a final defense for humankind. With his beloved...
Lucy Derrick is a young woman of good breeding and poor finances. After the death of her beloved father, she is forced to maintain a shabby dignity as the unwanted boarder of her tyrannical uncle, fending off marriage to a local mill owner. But...
seduced by power,
broken by control,
and consumed by love...
Vi has made her choice between Jag and Zenn, and the Resistance may have suffered for it. But with the Thinkers as strong as ever, the rebels still have a...
Rome, 262 A.D: It had been the capital of the greatest civilization on Earth. Now both city and civilization are dying. Imperial unity has shattered as separatist and usurpers squabble among themselves and greater enemies gather to swallow them...
Across the most heavily contaminated part of the Zone a group of publicity seeking peace activists try to reach the Russian lines. Major Revells’ squad try to intercept them, having to out manoeuvre the...
THEIR GOAL – THE MOON THEIR MISSION – DEATH. From the rocket base at Peenemunde the Nazis fired the deadliest and most accurate weapon the world had ever seen – the intercontinental V2. But even as the V2 clawed the heart out of London,...
The Hugo Award Winner-1963
It’s America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. In San Francisco the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some 20 years earlier the United...
“Band of Brothers meets Dead Snow”
Private Franklin Grillo is a fresh faced infantryman in the 101st Airborne. He’s been dispatched to the Ardennes Forest outside of Bastogne to assist Baker company against a surprise attack by the...