A Publishers Weekly Best Book
One of the New York Public Library’s “25 Books to Remember” for 1999
Homosexuality in its myriad forms has been scientifically documented in more than 450 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and...
Four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest for generations, thriving in their territories. But tensions are running high, and ThunderClan must assert its strength or risk falling prey to its power-hungry neighbors.
Into this time of uncertainty,...
Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar's Storm is an epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! What happened to the warrior Clans after the events of the fourth Warriors arc, Omen of the Stars? In this...
In this original Warriors novella, Cloudstar, leader of SkyClan, has watched over his Clanmates at the edge of the forest for many long seasons. But Twolegs are encroaching on SkyClan's land and SkyClan is in danger of being driven away. Cloudstar...
The secrets behind the warrior code will finally be revealed. An ominous sign from StarClan
that signaled the need to patrol
borders The unexpected help from a
warrior ancestor that cemented
the importance of elders A secret coup that led to...
Two healthy kits have just been born in Riverclan--Oakkit and Stormkit. The whole Clan rejoices, and no cat is more pleased than their mother, who immediately recognizes her kits' innate skill and bravery.
But when tragedy befalls Stormkit and he is...
The three children of Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, grandchildren of the great leader Firestar, have thrived in their apprenticeships: Lionpaw's strength and energy serve him well as a warrior in training, Hollypaw hones her understanding of the...
Das Buch
Die eigentliche Profession des Briten Douglas Adams ist das Verfassen von Kultbüchern aus der Science-fiction-Ecke spaßig-hintergründige Weltraumodyssee Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis hat ihm eine weltweite, treue...
In this seventy-page novella from the world of Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series, discover what happened to Dovewing after the events of the fourth Warriors arc, Omen of the Stars.
The Dark Forest has been defeated—but...