This collection of historical children's fairy tales, compiled, though not written by Andrew Lang, includes the Blue, Brown, Crimson, Grey, Olive, and Violet fairy...
"A masterpiece of translation―fluent, elegant, vigorous."
― Rowan Williams, Master of Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
"Irresistibly readable, Wilson’s Odyssey turns Homeric epic into a poetic feast."
― Froma Zeitlin, Princeton...
Alone in a world on the brink of war…two unlikely allies will discover a love greater than time.
Exiled from her home, powerful oracle Cosmina Cordei holds the key to uniting those protecting mankind from evil. But just as she makes her...
A collection of traditional fairy tales from the folklore of Russia, Germany, France, Iceland, and America. Includes original 138 black-and-white illustrations. Collected together by Andrew Land they are sourced from a number of different countries...