Fantasy Nude Photography: Use Lighting, Posing, and Digital Compositing Techniques to Create Amazing Images

Fantasy Nude Photography: Use Lighting, Posing, and Digital Compositing Techniques to Create Amazing Images
Искусство и Дизайн
Автор: Kirby Rayment
Год: 2014
Добавил: Admin 12 Апр 19
Проверил: Admin 12 Апр 19
Формат:  EPUB (13159 Kb)
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Rayment Kirby shows you how to execute complex image concepts with simple tools. Working in a small studio with simple lighting, Kirby uses digital technology to flawlessly transform images of models, props, and small-scale sets into dramatic composites. Building on these transformative processes he also explores how everyday locations can be infused with a fantasy element for more evocative results. For each final image, the author presents a lighting diagram and alternate or procedural images to reveal the process used. Easy-to-follow text detailing the process makes it easy to adapt his inventive approaches to your own images for more exciting and compelling nude images. Packed with DIY solutions for big looks, this book is sure to stoke your creative fires!

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