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The Unofficial Guide to Cosmos: Fact and Fiction in Neil deGrasse Tyson's Landmark Science Series
Астрономия, Другие научные

The Unofficial Guide to Cosmos: Fact and Fiction in Neil deGrasse Tyson's Landmark Science Series

Год: 2014
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Neil deGrasse Tyson’s reboot of the classic TV series Cosmos struck a chord with viewers, garnered 12 Emmy Award nominations, and is headed straight into schools as a science teacher’s instructional aid. It’s also an agenda-driven vehicle for...
The Void
Астрономия, Другие научные

The Void

Автор: Close Frank
Год: 2007
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What is the void? What remains when you take all the matter away? Can empty Space--nothing--exist? To answer these questions, eminent scientist Frank Close takes us on a lively and accessible journey that ranges from ancient ideas and cultural...
Understanding Variable Stars

Understanding Variable Stars

Автор: Percy John R.
Год: 2007
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This book is dedicated to the memory of my colleague and friend Dr Janet AkyuЁz Mattei (1943--2004). She was born in Bodrum, Turkey, and educated at Brandeis University (BA 1965), University of Virginia (MS 1972), and Ege University, Turkey (MS...
Ursca-tatarca atamalar syzlege [I siriə. Fizika, matimatika, astronomiə - Урысча-татарча атамалар сүзлеге 1 серия (физика, математика, астрономия) - Русско-татарский словарь терминов. 1 серия физика, математика, астрономия]
Астрономия, Математика

Ursca-tatarca atamalar syzlege [I siriə. Fizika, matimatika, astronomiə - Урысча-татарча атамалар сүзлеге 1 серия (физика, математика, астрономия) - Русско-татарский словарь терминов. 1 серия физика, математика, астрономия]

Год: 1931

Словарь физических, математических, астрономических терминов (орфография Яналиф 1931 года). Интересное написание западных имен - не...