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Julia Ward Howe
Биографии и мемуары

Julia Ward Howe

Автор: Richards Laura E.
Язык: английский
Год: 1915
Статус: Закончена
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson said of Julia Ward Howe’s Reminiscences, published in 1899, that the work might have been “spread out into three or four interesting octavos; but in her hurried grasp it is squeezed into one volume, where groups of...
Learning to Play with a Lion's Testicles: Unexpected Gifts from the Animals of Africa
Биографии и мемуары, Природа и животные

Learning to Play with a Lion's Testicles: Unexpected Gifts from the Animals of Africa

Автор: Haynes Melissa J.
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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The cheeky title of Melissa Haynes’s story of adventure in Africa, Learning to Play with a Lion’s Testicles, earned the book some big publicity on NBC-TV/Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on September 4,2013 where it topped the show’s list of...
Биографии и мемуары, История


Автор: Lih Lars T.
Серия: Critical Lives
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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After Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924) is the man most associated with communism and its influence and reach around the world. Lenin was the leader of the communist Bolshevik party during the October 1917 revolution in Russia, and he...