1st Prize, 'New Authored Books' category, Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors Medical Book Awards 2008
“Overall, I am impressed by the up-to date information content and structure provided in Bacteriology of Humans. It is truly an...
Were you always curious about biology but were afraid to sit through long hours of dense reading? Did you like the subject when you were in high school but had other plans after you graduated? Now you can explore the human genome and analyze DNA...
Mācību grāmatas ”Bioloģija vidusskolai” pirmās divas daļas ir veltītas organismu daudzveidībai, evolūcijai un mijiedarbībai ar vidi. Vidusskolēniem grāmatās ietvertie uzdevumi palīdzēs attīstīt vajadzīgo un noderīgo prasmi...
Score your highest in biostatistics
Biostatistics is a required course for students of medicine, epidemiology, forestry, agriculture, bioinformatics, and public health. In years past this course has been mainly a graduate-level requirement; however...