Tanto si quieres entrar en el departamento de contabilidad de una empresa, como si vas montar tu propio negocio, e incluso si estudias la asignatura de Contabilidad y Finanzas, este libro constituye una estupenda introducción a esta disciplina....
The key to success in life and business is to become a master at Conversational Intelligence. It's not about how smart you are, but how open you are to learn new and effective powerful conversational rituals that prime the brain for trust,...
Every year, thousands of people change careers. Whether you are a recently graduated student looking to put what you studied to good use or an experienced professional looking for a change in routine, finding a career that really suits you can be a...
Everything you need to know to design a profitable business plan
Whether you're starting a new business or you’ve been trading for a while, Creating a Business Plan For Dummies covers everything you need to know. Figure out whether your business...
Give your business the edge with crowd-power!
Crowdsourcing is an innovative way of outsourcing tasks, problems or requests to a group or community online. There are lots of ways business can use crowdsourcing to their advantage: be it crowdsourcing...
Your plain-English guide to currency trading
Forex markets can be one of the fastest and most volatile financial markets to trade. Money can be lost or made in a matter of seconds, and forex markets are always moving. So how do you keep up? This...