Another well known series of Bulychev's stories are young adult stories about Alisa Seleznyova, a young girl from the future. A number of them were made into films, with Guest from the Future ("Гостья из будущего"), based on...
Another well known series of Bulychev's stories are young adult stories about Alisa Seleznyova, a young girl from the future. A number of them were made into films, with Guest from the Future ("Гостья из будущего"), based on...
“A chilling, unnerving, and timely debut novel about what it means to speak out, even in silence.”
—Katharine McGee, New York Times bestselling author of The Thousandth Floor
In a world where every word and gesture is copyrighted,...
Jack Catcher's parents are dead—his mom died of sickness and his dad of a broken heart—and he has to get out of Oklahoma, where dust storms have killed everything green, hopeful, or alive. When former classmate Jane and her little brother Tony...
Separated from his human parents, Mowgli is raised by wolves, mentored by the cunning panther Bagheera, and taught the Law of the Jungle by Baloo, the strict but kindly bear. But the Indian jungle is full of dangers and he must fight to survive; the...
In Allerleirauh geht es um die Tochter eines Königs, dessen schöne Frau stirbt und ihm auf dem Sterbebett das Versprechen abnimmt, nur dann wieder zu heiraten, wenn jene Frau mindestens ebenso schön sei wie sie selbst und ebensolche goldenen...