"The Twilight of Magic" was written in 1930 by Hugh Lofting (1886-1947), telling about the Middle Ages, when adults and children alike still believed in magic. The tale is full of castles, kings, cavalcades of knights and princesses. The main...
Doctor Dolittle takes on an apprentice, Tommy Stubbins, as they set out to find Long Arrow, the world's greatest naturalist. Their quest takes them to the Mediterranean, to South America, deep under the sea, and even to a floating island. This...
Respected physician John Dolittle swaps human patients for animal ones as his parrot Polynesia teaches him the secret of talking to the animals. His fame spreads and he travels to Africa to treat a monkey epidemic. Setting out with his favorite crew...
The heart-wrenching story of one girl's experience at a Ukrainian internment camp in Quebec during World War I
Anya's family emigrates from the Ukraine hoping for a fresh start and a new life in Canada. Soon after they cram into a tiny apartment...
Kataryna Baliuk, a gifted fine arts student, is hoping to have a fresh start at Cawthra School for the Arts after a less-than-successful year at the neighbouring Catholic high school.
But her hopes for a peaceful Grade 10 are shattered when she...
As humanity lives out the remainder of its existence at the top of an isolated apartment tower, young Jackie dares to question Tower Authority and their ban on traveling into the tower's depths. Intelligent and unyielding, Jackie ventures into the...
Fourteen months ago, the Igador System’s council government finally achieved peace with its personal brand of space pirate: the Sinosian Raiders. Coexistence was short-lived, and now Igador is devastated as the raiders use fourteen months’ worth...
A long-awaited reissue of the much-
loved sequel to Carbonel, King of the Cats.
In this second story, published over forty
years ago, Carbonel has been summoned
to appear before the Great Cat but before
he goes he has to find someone to look after...
Meet Billy Flint and Charley Steel, detectives with S.C.R.E.A.M.: the Supernatural Crimes, Rescues, Emergencies and Mystery squad. An ancient Egyptian mummy is terrorising the Scottish gentry and it’s Billy and Charley’s job to stop it. But the...