No one ever told Margaret Simon that eleven-going-on- twelve would be such a hard age. When her family moves to New Jersey, she has to adjust to life in the suburbs, a different school, and a whole new group of friends. Margaret knows she needs...
When Tom, Jill and Mary go to stay at a little fishing village in Scotland, the local fisherman's lad, Andy, promises to take them out in his boat. But a storm takes them off course and they end up shipwrecked on a small group of islands! Worse,...
Who could have set fire to Mr Hick's cottage? The suspects include a tramp and even the housekeeper, Mrs Minns. The Five Find-Outers and Dog aim to solve the mystery before Mr Goon, the grumpy...
Four runaways, Mike, Peggy, Nora and Jack, find a secret hiding place—a deserted island on a lovely lake. They build a willow-tree house, make their beds of heather and bracken, and grow their own vegetables. And Jack even manages to bring his...
Luke was working in the garden when Lady Candling's valuable cat was stolen. But could it have been the cat's carer, Miss Harmer, or even Lady Candling's companion Miss Trimble? The Five Find-Outers and Dog are on the...
What excitement for Mike, Jack, Nora and Peggy when they discover the secret caves and passages of Spiggy Holes! And when they find out that a kidnapped prince is being held captive in the old house above the caves, they're in the grips of...
Prince Paul, Jack, Peggy, Nora and Mike have come to Africa on what seems an impossible search. Yet they mustn't give it up because Captain and Mrs. Arnold have been kidnapped and taken to the Secret Mountain. But where is the mountain? And who...
What a wonderful, exciting adventure they have—Nora, Mike, Peggy and Jack—on their summer holidays. They go to Prince Paul's magnificent castle at Killimooin, high up in the mountains of Baronia. Little do they suspect that these mountains hold...
Another well known series of Bulychev's stories are young adult stories about Alisa Seleznyova, a young girl from the future. A number of them were made into films, with Guest from the Future ("Гостья из будущего"), based on...