Another well known series of Bulychev's stories are young adult stories about Alisa Seleznyova, a young girl from the future. A number of them were made into films, with Guest from the Future ("Гостья из будущего"), based on...
Bored on a hot afternoon, Alice follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit-hole and tumbles into Wonderland: a topsy-turvy world of riddles and nonsense where animals answer back, a baby turns into a pig, time stands still at a disorderly tea party,...
While picking up a load of junk, the boys acquire a trunk from an old ship. A journal from a crewman is hidden in the trunk, giving clues to find a treasure that he hid before his...
It Begins in the Most boring place in the world: Chickentown, U.S.A. There lives Candy Quackenbush, her heart bursting for some clue as to what her future might hold.When the answer comes, it’s not one she expects. Out of nowhere comes a...
When Princess Ozma and all the magic of the Land of Oz are mysteriously stolen away, Dorothy and the other residents of Oz are determined to find their missing ruler and the thief responsible for her...