The tales of beloved author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) have delighted and charmed readers across the world since the first publication of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ in 1902. Her imaginative books are distinguished by...
In this dazzling and long-awaited conclusion to the acclaimed Mortal Instruments series, Clary and her friends fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother.
Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning...
Joel thinks nothing’s going on in his small town. But he’s wrong. One day, a miracle happens to him. He’s very nearly run over by a bus, but is miraculously unhurt. Shouldn’t he show gratitude somehow? Surely a good deed of some sort is in...
Helly Johnston is miserable. Her mother is thinking of marrying again but Helly doesn't want a stepfather, certainly not this one. She sobs her way out of the classroom all the way down to the cloakroom and the depths of despondency. There,...
Prince Paul, Jack, Peggy, Nora and Mike have come to Africa on what seems an impossible search. Yet they mustn't give it up because Captain and Mrs. Arnold have been kidnapped and taken to the Secret Mountain. But where is the mountain? And who...
Chipper is fleeing from a sinister organization that is determined to bury the truth about what he really is.
Miles away, twelve-year-old orphan Jeff is working at his aunt’s lakeside cabin business and missing the life he used to have.