The tales of beloved author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) have delighted and charmed readers across the world since the first publication of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ in 1902. Her imaginative books are distinguished by...
Nestled between the ocean and the hills of Prince Edward Island is a road that leads to the house where a girl named Anne grew up, Green Gables, and to the wonderful place called Avonlea. In this second volume of heartwarming tales a Persian cat...
"Please come and help me, brother! Oh, please do! Oh, do! Oh, do!"
How could Gobbolino resist a plea like that, even though it came from his wicked sister, Sootica, the wicth's cat? It nearly broke Gobbolino's heart to have ti leave his new,...
In her first novel since winning the Newbery Medal, Katherine Applegate delivers an unforgettable and magical story about family, friendship, and resilience.Jackson and his family have fallen on hard times. There's no more money for rent. And not...
The tales of beloved author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) have delighted and charmed readers across the world since the first publication of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ in 1902. Her imaginative books are distinguished by...
The tales of beloved author and illustrator Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) have delighted and charmed readers across the world since the first publication of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ in 1902. Her imaginative books are distinguished by...