Faith Usher tells anyone willing to listen that she wants to kill herself. So when she dies after drinking champagne at the annual gala for unwed mothers, everyone insists that it was suicide. Everyone except Archie Goodwin, the perennial wise...
My Dear Friend . . . I am in great danger. The person whose loyal and faithful companion I have been . . . intends to have me done away with . . . When this unsigned letter is sent to three people in town none of them take it seriously. However,...
Archie is on the scene when the murder happens and gets pulled into the investigation himself due a marriage certificate. The conclusion is solid enough, but much of the appeal rests on Wolfe's attitude towards Archie, and I didn't find that as...
Książka wybitnego tłumacza i pisarza – Macieja Słomczyńskiego, autora poczytnych, przełożonych na wiele języków, kryminałów. Ich łączne nakłady osiągnęły kilka milionów egzemplarzy i wciąż cieszą się powodzeniem wśród...
Una joven acude a Hércules Poirot en busca de ayuda. Su padre, Amyas Crale, un famoso pintor, fue envenenado hace muchos años, y su madre, juzgada y condenada por este crimen murió en la cárcel. La muchacha fue enviada entonces a Canadá con...
In this classic mystery, murder strikes close to home. Lord Peter Wimsey's brother is accused of murdering the man who is about to marry their sister. The body has been found at Riddlesdale Lodge, the Wimsey family retreat. Lord Peter must solve...
While Agatha Troy Alleyn is on a river cruise and enjoys true Constable landscapes, her husband Superintendent Alleyn has to investigate a murder most foul amidst the same clutch of...
While Agatha Troy Alleyn is on a river cruise and enjoys true Constable landscapes, her husband Superintendent Alleyn has to investigate a murder most foul amidst the same clutch of...