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Home to Roost
Классические детективы

Home to Roost

Серия: Nero Wolfe #31
Язык: английский
Год: 1952
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Nero Wolfe again exposes a communist-murderer in a case both the FBI and the police try to keep hushed. Two female suspects smack it out in Wolfe’s office and one drunken woman pats him on the head after pouring scotch in his beer. The feds and...
Hopjoy Was Here
Классические детективы

Hopjoy Was Here

Автор: Watson Colin
Серия: Flaxborough #3
Язык: английский
Год: 1962
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Within the quiet respectable market town of Flaxborough lurks a dangerous criminal; someone who has no compunction in committing horrific crimes. A secret agent has been murdered in unsavoury circumstances connected to an acid bath and it is up...