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Thread of Fear
Классические детективы, Триллер

Thread of Fear

Автор: Shelby Jeff
Серия: The Joe Tyler Series #5
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Статус: Закончена
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Joe Tyler finally has his daughter – and the answers to what happened that fateful day years ago. After spending nearly a decade searching for her, Elizabeth is home and the people who were responsible for her disappearance were tried and...
32 Caliber
Классические детективы

32 Caliber

Автор: McGibeny Donald
Язык: английский
Год: 1920
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A gripping thriller of love, betrayal, and murder, in which the declining marriage of one couple pulls everyone around them into the dark Warren Thompson—Bupps to his closest friends—wants nothing more than for his law partner and best friend,...
The Cryptic Lines
Классические детективы

The Cryptic Lines

Автор: Storry Richard
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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Set in a sprawling gothic mansion in a remote coastal location, somewhere in the British Isles, the elderly recluse Lord Alfred Willoughby is deciding what is to become of his vast fortune after his death. Whilst his head is telling him to leave...