Death of a Delft Blue revolves around three interrelated families, the Colwyn-Welch family who are English-Dutch, the van Zestiens, who are Dutch-Danish and the family called Rose. Binnen Colwyn-Welch obtains her quite considerable income from...
Police Captain Bartholdi sometimes indulged himself in a harmless fantasy. His thoughts, he would imagine, were irresponsible imps that wriggled out of his head and scampered around with an abandon that was often embarrassing. A woman had been...
“Found drowned, my foot,” said the pathologist two minutes after looking at the body. The unidentified young man pulled from the salt water near the little fishing village of Edsway hadn’t drowned after all. And he hadn’t been a bather...
Tobacco millionaire John Vincent Harden has barely arrived in London when strange things start happening to him. The clerk at his hotel swears that Harden has checked out and taken his luggage with him. Then Harden receives a wire calling him...
In Gangway! Gabe Beauchamps was a shake down man in New York, a city he loves more than anything. After shaking down the relative of a powerful mob player, Gabe is given a one way train ticket to San Francisco and told he will be watched to make...
It was April in Rome, and gathered together in the church of San Tommaso in Pallario was the kind of varied group of people that can only meet on a tour. They were there under the aegis of one Sebastian Mailer, who had promised them a most...
Monday takes Rabbi David Small on a private exodus to Israel for a much needed rest. But as usual, trouble follows the Rabbi. While his congregation at home is busy plotting his dismissal, the Rabbi is up against the Wall in an international...
Mrs Beatrice Lestrange Bradley, psychologist and detective, has become the warden of a house in a girls' training college in order to investigate the disappearance of a previous warden. Only her intelligence and perspicacity can coax the...