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Классическая проза


Язык: русский
Год: 1965
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OSKARS lutss PAVASARIS LATVIJAS VALSTS IZDEVNIECĪBA RĪGĀ ® 1965 No igauņu valodas tulkojis J. Zigurs Mākslinieks A. Galeviuss OSKARS LUTSS UN VIŅA «PAVASARIS» Katru jaunu pavasari, kad ceļi...
Классическая проза


Автор: Steinbeck John
Язык: английский
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"In the town they tell the story of the great pearl – how it was found and how it was lost again. They tell of Kino, the fisherman, and of his wife, Juana, and of the baby, Coyotito. And because the story has been told so often, it has taken root...
Pedro Páramo
Классическая проза

Pedro Páramo

Язык: испанский
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El hijo de Pedro Páramo viaja a Comala para encontrarse con su padre, sólo para verse atrapado en un mundo sin vida. La historia de lo ocurrido sobrepasa cualquier previsión del lector. La novela de Rulfo ha sido considerada como una...
Pedro Páramo
Классическая проза

Pedro Páramo

Автор: Rulfo Juan
Язык: испанский
Год: 2011
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A magical realism story about a man trying to find his father and hearing the tale through the ghosts of the town his father once controlled, Pedro Páramo is the quintessential Mexican novel. It was the only novel ever written by Juan Rulfo, who...
Peter Camenzind
Классическая проза

Peter Camenzind

Автор: Hesse Hermann
Язык: немецкий
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»Im Anfang war der Mythus. Wie der gro?e Gott in den Seelen der Inder, Griechen und Germanen dichtete und nach Ausdruck rang, so dichtet er in jedes Kindes Seele t?glich wieder.« Mit diesen S?tzen beginnt die erste Erz?hlung Hermann Hesses...
Peter Camenzind
Классическая проза

Peter Camenzind

Язык: немецкий
полная версия

»Im Anfang war der Mythus. Wie der große Gott in den Seelen der Inder, Griechen und Germanen dichtete und nach Ausdruck rang, so dichtet er in jedes Kindes Seele täglich wieder.« Mit diesen Sätzen beginnt die erste Erzählung...