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À rebours
Классическая проза

À rebours

Язык: французский
Год: 1884
полная версия

A rebours est un ouvrage étrange et assez déstabilisant au premier aspect. La couverture offre aux regards un tableau d'Odilon Redon, Les yeux clos, baigné de teintes douces, entre gris-parme et marron clair. Une notice nous présente le...
A Severed Head
Классическая проза

A Severed Head

Язык: английский
Год: 1961
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Martin believes he can possess both a beautiful wife and a delightful lover. But when his wife, Antonia, suddenly leaves him for her psychoanalyst, Martin is plunged into an intensive emotional re-education. He attempts to behave beautifully and...