Ethan Frome is set in a fictional New England town named Starkfield, where an unnamed narrator tells the story of his encounter with Ethan Frome, a man with dreams and desires that end in an ironic turn of events. The narrator tells the story...
Like most Wharton novels, The House of Mirth examines the conflict between rigid social expectation and personal desire. Lily Bart is adept at playing society's games, which expect her to achieve an advantageous marriage. Yet, torn between her...
A master of naturalism, Theodore Dreiser brought the American novel into the twentieth century. Fascinated by the city street, its parade of fashion and its threat of poverty and degradation, his journalistic eye lets us see as they were first...
Troisième des quatre pamphlets de Louis Ferdinand Céline, après Mea culpa en 1936 et Bagatelles pour un massacre en 1937, L'école des cadavres est paru en 1938.
Tout comme pour les autres textes de Louis-Ferdinand Céline que nous rééditons,...