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Автор: Doolittle Hilda
Язык: английский
Год: 1992
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"DESTROY," H.D. had pencilled across the title page of this autobiographical novel. Although the manuscript survived, it has remained unpublished since its completion in the 1920s. Regarded by many as one of the major poets of the...
Asylum Piece
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Asylum Piece

Язык: английский
Год: 2001
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This collection of stories, mostly interlinked and largely autobiographical, chart the descent of the narrator from the onset of neurosis to final incarceration in a Swiss clinic. The sense of paranoia, of persecution by a foe or force that is never...
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Автор: Powys John Cowper
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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Published in 1954, John Cowper Powys called this novel, a 'long romance about Odysseus in his extreme old age, hoisting sail once more from Ithaca'. As usual there is a large cast of human characters but Powys also gives life and speech to...
Atlas Shrugged
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Atlas Shrugged

Автор: Рэнд Айн
Язык: английский
Год: 1957
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Rand’s most notable novel asks the question: What happens to the world when the prime movers (inventors and scientists) go on strike? Narrator Scott Brick takes listeners on a journey so extraordinary they’ll hardly notice the book’s length....
Attalea princeps
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Attalea princeps

Язык: русский
Год: 2006
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В своем рассказе «Attalea princeps» (1880) В. Гаршин в судьбе пальмы, рвущейся на свободу и погибающей под холодным небом, символизировал судьбу...