"Ein Buch fur alle und keinen". Рассказ о том, как вечные ценности постепенно обнаруживаются душой, в контексте попытки осознания смыслов и овладения...
Clair de lune est un recueil de nouvelles de Guy de Maupassant, publié en 1883 aux éditions Monnier, puis dans une édition augmentée en 1888 chez Paul Ollendorff.
La plupart des contes ont fait l'objet d'une publication antérieure dans...
Claude Gueux, condamné à de la prison pour le vol d'un pain, se retrouve persécuté par un gardien de prison. La seule issue que trouve Claude Gueux à cette injustice est le meurtre de cet homme…
Victor Hugo s'est déjà engagé dans le combat...
Claudius has survived the murderous intrigues of his predecessors to become, reluctantly, Emperor of Rome. Here he recounts his surprisingly successful reign: how he cultivates the loyalty of the army and the common people to repair the damage...
Paris in the 1920s — dizzy and decadent. Where a young man can make a fortune with his wits … unless he is led into temptation. Cocaine’s dandified hero Tito Arnaudi invents lurid scandals and gruesome deaths, and sells these stories to the...
«Cold Hand in Mine» was first published in the UK in 1975 and in the US in 1977. The story «Pages from a Young Girl's Journal» won Aickman the World Fantasy Award in 1975. It was originally published in «The Magazine of Fantasy & Science...
Collages is Anaïs Nin’s last work of fiction, and is, as the title suggests, a collection of interwoven stories, opening and closing with the passage: “Vienna was the city of statues. They were as numerous as the people who walked the...