George Bowling, the hero of this comic novel, is a middle-aged insurance salesman who lives in an average English suburban row house with a wife and two children. One day, after winning some money from a bet, he goes back to the village where he...
92 pp., México, Siglo XXI Editores, 1974, en, Novelas y relatos. «Carpentier en la maestría de sus novelas y relatos breves», por Salvador Bueno, La Habana, UNEAC, 1974 (Letras Cubanas)
La concepción de `lo real maravilloso` de...
In a Russian restaurant on Paris's Left Bank, Russian exile Golubchik alternately fascinates and horrifies a rapt audience with a wild story of collaboration, deception, and murder in the days leading up to the Russian Revolution. “Worthy to sit...
Contes divers (1875-1880) - La main d'écorché, Le docteur Héraclius Gloss, Le donneur d'eau bénite, Le mariage du lieutenant Laré, « Coco, Coco, Coco frais ! », Boule de suif, Les dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris, Jadis, Une page d'histoire...