Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Joseph Conrad. Before its 1902 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It is widely regarded as a significant work of English literature and part of the Western...
Emmanuel Bove was one of the most original writers to come out of twentieth-century France and a popular success in his day. Discovered by Colette, who arranged for the publication of his first novel, My Friends, Bove enjoyed a busy literary career,...
The loyal legions of Nero Wolfe fans (as well as the fans of his many erudite sidekicks and companions) will find continued enthusiasm for this exciting title in the long-running detective series. It also features a bonus story, «Out of the...
Deep in Provence, a century ago, four stone houses perch on a hillside. Wildness presses in from all sides. Beyond a patchwork of fields, a mass of green threatens to overwhelm the village. The animal world — a miming cat, a malevolent boar —...
Savinien de CYRANO DE BERGERAC (1619-1655), inmortalizado por la tragicomedia de Edmond Rostand, fue un personaje real, un escritor barroco francés que en su juventud ingresó en el ejército, donde dejó fama de fanfarrón, espadachín y...
Doce relatos fantasmales: Historia de un loco. La historia de un viajante de comercio. La historia de los duendes que secuestraron a un enterrador. La historia del tío del viajante. El barón de Grozwich. Una confesión encontrada en la...