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Kid & Co.
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Kid & Co.

Язык: немецкий
Год: 1976
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Längst ist aus Kid Bellew, dem Grünschnabel, ein erfahrener Jäger und Goldsucher, einer der kühnsten Männer des wilden Nordens geworden. Er und sein Freund Kurz durchstreifen die weißen Einöden von Alaska, und mit...
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Язык: русский
Год: 1901
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Kim is set in an imperialistic world; a world strikingly masculine, dominated by travel, trade and adventure, a world in which there is no question of the division between white and non-white. Two men - a boy who grows into early manhood and an old...
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Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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A tale of four Chinese-American siblings in New York, and their bewildering return to their roots. In Kinfolk, a sharp dissection of the expatriate experience, Pearl S. Buck unfurls the story of a Chinese family living in New York. Dr....