Elders and Betters

Elders and Betters
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Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Издатель: Bloomsbury Publishing
Добавил: Admin 1 Июл 15
Проверил: Admin 1 Июл 15
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The Donne family's move to the country is inspired by a wish to be close to their cousins, who are to be their nearest neighbours. It proves too close for comfort, however. For a secret switching of wills causes the most genteel pursuit of self-interest to threaten good relations and even good manners…
First published in 1944, Ivy Compton-Burnett employs her sharp ear for comedy and celebrated powers of dialogue to spectacular effect. She reveals a devastating microcosm of human society, in which the elders are by no means always the betters, in which no character is totally scrupulous, but none without their appeal.

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