“Earth and High Heaven” is, simply, a drama of human relationships — of two people in love who are confronted by the obstacle of racial intolerance — presented with such cutting truth, such fidelity to life, such compassion and...
A gripping love story, in which the classic love triangle takes a very untraditional form. The plot is centered on an Estonian university student who falls in love with a young Baltic German woman. The Baltic Germans had lost their aristocratic...
Lush prose and penetrating psychological insight infuse Conrad’s first novel with the qualities that have made him one of the most popular and most studied writers in English literature. The novel chronicles the tragic decline of a Dutch merchant...
World of Wonders, the concluding novel in Robertson Davies' celebrated Deptford Trilogy, is available as an e-book for the first time.
Called "a spectacular, soaring work, an astounding tour de force unequaled in recent literature," World of...
Sister Carrie", Theodore Dreiser's revolutionary first novel, was published in 1900 - sort of.
The story of Carrie Meeber, an 18-year-old country girl who moves to Chicago and becomes a kept woman, was strong stuff at the turn of the century, and...
Invisible Man is a milestone in American literature, a book that has continued to engage readers since its appearance in 1952. A first novel by an unknown writer, it remained on the bestseller list for sixteen weeks, won the National Book Award...
Foreword to “On Forsyte ‘Change”Before a long suffering public and still more long suffering critics, I lay this volume of apocryphal Forsyte tales, pleading the two excuses: That it is hard to part suddenly and finally from those with whom...
Emma Woodhouse is the lovely, lively, willful, and fallible heroine of Jane Austen’s fourth published novel. Confident that she knows best, Emma schemes to find a suitable husband for her pliant friend Harriet, only to discover that she...