Originally titled "Elinor and Marianne", "Sense and Sensibility" was the first of Jane Austen's novels to be published. The contrasting personalities of two sisters are the centre of the story, supported by a wealth of satirically portrayed minor...
Originally titled "Elinor and Marianne", "Sense and Sensibility" was the first of Jane Austen's novels to be published. The contrasting personalities of two sisters are the centre of the story, supported by a wealth of satirically portrayed minor...
Following the tremendous popular success of Jane Eyre, which earned her lifelong notoriety as a moral revolutionary, Charlotte Bront? vowed to write a sweeping social chronicle that focused on "something real and unromantic as Monday morning."...
Sister Carrie", Theodore Dreiser's revolutionary first novel, was published in 1900 - sort of.
The story of Carrie Meeber, an 18-year-old country girl who moves to Chicago and becomes a kept woman, was strong stuff at the turn of the century, and...