This short story was tremendously interesting with such strong and mind gripping words that totally and utterly ensnared and encaptured from beginning to...
Sweet Thursday is a 1954 novel by John Steinbeck. It is a sequel to Cannery Row and set in the years after the end of World War II. According to the author, “Sweet Thursday” is the day after Lousy Wednesday and the day before Waiting...
From the return of Jimi Hendrix, as witnessed by a hero-worshipping spaced-out roadie, to the death of Christ as witnessed by a time-traveling tourist, from the end of the universe to the creation of a new one, these are stories about martyrdom,...
It is Roth's special gift that, in Tarabas's fulfillment of his tragic destiny, the larger movements of history find their perfect expression in the fate of one...
If it be permitted to speak of ‘love at first syllable,’ then that’s what I experienced in my first encounter with this poet of prose.” So wrote Thomas Mann of the work of Peter Altenberg. A virtuoso Fin de Siecle...