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Язык: английский
Год: 1926
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This short story was tremendously interesting with such strong and mind gripping words that totally and utterly ensnared and encaptured from beginning to...
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Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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The first edition of Dolores was published in 1911. It sold well, and was promptly forgotten. Now that her career of sixty years is ended, and her long achievement more and more acclaimed, Dolores, standing at that remote beginning, is curiously...
Tempest Tost
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Tempest Tost

Автор: Davies Robertson
Серия: The Salterton Trilogy #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1980
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People who do not know Salterton call it dreamy and old-world. They say it is the place where Anglican clergymen go when they die. The real Saltertons, however, know that there is nothing quaint about the place at all. With its two cathedrals,...