A mystical Javan prince and a promiscuous wife are twin challenges to Commissioner Van Oudijck's seemingly impregnable authority. As he struggles to maintain control of his district in the Dutch East Indies, as well as of his family, ancient...
Novel by Nathanael West about the savagery lurking beneath the Hollywood dream. Published in 1939, it is one of the most striking examples of the " Hollywood novel" in American fiction. Tod Hackett, a set designer, becomes involved in the lives...
Leg over Leg recounts the life, from birth to middle age, of the Fariyaq, alter ego of Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq, a pivotal figure in the intellectual and literary history of the modern Arab world. The always edifying and often hilarious adventures of...
Рассказ вошёл в сборники:
Dark Carnival (Тёмный карнавал)
The October Country (Октябрьская страна)
R Is For Rocket (Р — значит ракета)
The Stories of Ray Bradbury (И...