Unto A Good Land

Unto A Good Land
Классическая проза
Автор: Moberg Vilhelm
Серия: The Emigrants #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1995
Издатель: Minnesota Historical Society Press
Переводчик: Gustaf Lannestock
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Considered one of Sweden's greatest 20th-century writers, Vilhelm Moberg created Karl Oskar and Kristina Nilsson to portray the joys and tragedies of daily life for early Swedish pioneers in America. His consistently faithful depiction of these humble people's lives is a major strength of the Emigrant Novels. Moberg's extensive research in the papers of Swedish emigrants in archival collections, including the Minnesota Historical Society, enabled him to incorporate many details of pioneer life. First published between 1949 and 1959 in Swedish, these four books were considered a single work by Moberg, who intended that they be read as documentary novels. These new editions contain introductions written by Roger McKnight, Gustavus Adolphus College, and restore Moberg's bibliography not included in earlier English editions.Book 2 opens in the summer of 1850 as the emigrants disembark in New York City. Their journey to a new home in Minnesota Territory takes them by riverboat, steam wagon, Great Lakes steamship, and oxcart to Chisago County."It's important to have Moberg's Emigrant Novels available for another generation of readers."-Bruce Karstadt, American Swedish Institute

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