Geralt uncovers a bitter betrayal, leading to the release of a legion of cursed souls! As he endures their onslaught, he must also seek escape from the torture of the House of...
Geralt struggles to maintain his sanity as he is forced to endure the House of Glass’s unrelenting torment! He soon finds himself questioning Jakob’s true motivation and is faced with a dark new...
Madness begins to plague the minds of our heroes as they wander through the horrific hallways of the House of Glass and discover the true origins of its...
As our heroes explore the creepy corridors of the House of Glass, monster hunter Geralt faces an army of horrific creatures ready to sink their teeth into...
Traveling near the edge of the Black Forest, monster hunter Geralt meets a widowed fisherman whose dead and murderous wife resides in an eerie mansion known as the House of Glass—which seems to have endless rooms, nothing to fill them with, and...
Chaos erupts aboard the Prophet as the madness sown by the Fox Mother runs red across the deck boards. Geralt seizes upon his last opportunity to assuage the vixen’s maternal rage, but in doing so, he may seal his own...
The crew of the Prophet begin to turn on each other as the Fox Mother’s mystical illusions lead them to their fate. Now even Geralt is forced to question what is reality and what is just the fantastic projection of the scorned...