The short vignette-style tales in Troy James Weaver's literary debut, Witchita Stories, combine to make an evocative brew of small town melancholy, working class gloom, and coming of age charm. Told through the eyes of a young man who yearns to find...
Only a Scandinavian dystopia would unravel in a setting “furnished in a modern style and tastefully decorated in muted colors” such as “eggshell white.” And only a Scandinavian dystopia, perhaps, would see mandatory paternal leave as a...
Un día, poco antes de Navidad, la señorita Smila de regreso a su casa encuentra muerto en la nieve a su vecino y amigo, el pequeño Isaías. La versión oficial es que debió de resbalar y caerse. Pero Smila, que le cuidaba...