A suicide bomb explodes in a Jerusalem market. One of the victims is a migrant worker without any papers, only a salary slip from the bakery where she worked as a night cleaner. As her body lies unclaimed in the morgue, her employers are labelled...
Hailed by Time as an "extravagantly comic" novel, A Woman Named Drown is a wild and strange journey through America's South that follows a young PhD dropout who falls in with an amateur actress-cum-pool shark On the brink of earning his doctorate...
Toby Hood, a young Englishman, shuns the politics and the causes his liberal parents passionately support. Living in Johannesburg as a representative of his family's publishing company, Toby moves easily, carelessly, between the complacent...
Amazon.com Review
Who hasn't dreamed, on a mundane Monday or frowzy Friday, of chucking it all in and packing off to the south of France? Provençal cookbooks and guidebooks entice with provocatively fresh salads and azure skies, but is it...
"Duras's language and writing shine like crystals." — The New Yorker
"A spectacular success. . Duras is at the height of her powers." — Edmund White
Available for the first time in English, Abahn Sabana David is a late-career...
La marshal Mackenzie Stewart estaba pasando un tranquilo fin de semana en New Hampshire, en la casa de su amiga la jueza federal Bernadette Peacham, cuando fue atacada. Ella pudo repeler el ataque, pero el agresor consiguió escapar. Todo...